Category: Opinions and Debates

Make Peace an Election Issue

by Paul S. Graham Picking fights with Russia and China, backing fascists in Ukraine, arming murderers in Saudi Arabia, undermining democracy in Latin America — the Trudeau junta has a lot to answer for in the foreign policy realm. Trudeau…

The threat of the “new antisemitism”

by Harold Shuster Independent Jewish Voices Good Afternoon. My name is Harold Shuster and I am with Independent Jewish Voices. IJV supports a just peace negotiated between the Israeli and Palestinian people and opposes any attempt by the Israeli government…

Make Canada a force for peace

On the 100th Anniversary of the end of WW 1 – The Danger of a Third World War is Growing Statement of Peace Alliance Winnipeg, November 11, 2018 November 11th marks the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War…

What is happening in Venezuela?

By Paul S. Graham Mainstream media and government sources in Canada and the United States have provided an extremely unbalanced picture of Venezuela, portraying it as a dictatorship when in fact the governing party has won re-election consistently over the…