Winnipeg, Jan. 11, 2020 — Winnipeggers rallied outside the US Consulate to oppose war in Iraq and Iran and to remember the 176 people who died when Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 was shot down.
Dispelling the Lies, Telling the Truth about Western Aggression in the Persian Gulf by Finian Cunningham and Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 16, 2012 The year 2012 may become known as a watershed for humanity – the year when mankind…
By Gerry Caplan, rabble.ca, Jan. 30, 2012 It’s unlikely that Stephen Harper, John Baird, Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich have ever heard of Tamir Pardo, Meir Dagan, Amos Yadlin, Gabi Ashkenazi or Yuval Diskin. But it would probably make no…