Category: Canadian News

Canada to Iran: Diplomacy Revoked

On Friday, Canada closed its embassy in Tehran and put Iran on a list of “states that support terrorism.” This is consistent with all of the inflammatory rhetoric on Iran put forth by the Canadian government, especially since the 2011…

Winnipeg CHALK 4 Peace 2012

by Paul S. Graham The underlying premise of CHALK 4 Peace might best be summed up in a statement attributed to Mahatma Gandhi in 1937: “There is no way to peace; peace is the way.” CHALK 4 Peace is an…

Video: Winnipeg Peace & Justice Festival 2012

The second annual Winnipeg Peace and Justice Festival and the 31st annual Winnipeg Walk for Peace were held June 16, 2012. Participating organizations included Peace Alliance Winnipeg Project Peacemakers Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba Winnipeg Chapter for the National Committee for…

Bring Omar Khadr home!

By Roméo A. Dallaire The case of Omar Khadr—a Canadian citizen and former child soldier—is a stain upon our society and shows a blatant disregard for Canada’s obligations under international law. During his 10 nightmarish years at Bagram and Guantánamo…

Don’t attack Syria

By the Canadian Peace Alliance As the violence escalates in Syria, there are further calls from Western media and government officials for a foreign intervention into the conflict. The Canadian Peace Alliance stands against any intervention from outside powers and…

Continue to Oppose Bill C-38

by Peace Alliance Winnipeg Bill C-38, over 400 pages of legislation that makes widespread changes to almost every aspect of Canadians’ lives – from Old Age Security to how the environment is protected – passed the House of Commons on…