Category: Canadian News

Idle No More: A Panel Discussion

If your only source of information is the mainstream news media you can be forgiven for wondering what the Idle No More movement is all about. Since it burst on the scene late last year, media attention has darted from…

Behind the invasion of Mali

Is the military intervention in Mali by France, with the assistance of the United States, Canada and others an example of a humanitarian intervention launched to protect a fragile democracy from the incursion of Muslim terrorists? Or is France meddling…

Stop the war on Mali

By the Canadian Peace Alliance Jan. 15, 2013 The Government of Canada has recently announced that it is sending a CF-17 transport plane to northern Mali to add to the military buildup by the NATO powers in the area. The…

Canada to deepen role in Mali

By Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail The Canadian government will extend the tour of the heavy-lift transport plane shuttling equipment from France to Mali for a military mission. Initially, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered the massive C-17 plane for…

Stop the deportation of Kim Rivera

by Peace Alliance Winnipeg During the Vietnam war, tens of thousands of American conscientious objectors sought refuge in Canada to avoid taking part in a war they could not, in conscience, support. While the Canadian government was slow to respond…