Category: Canadian News

Professional sports and militarism in Canada

Professional sports and militarism: Tyler Shipley By Riaz Sayani-Mulji and Ryan Sparrow,, January 5, 2012 On this week’s episode of Progressive Voices, we speak with musician, freelance journalist, and political activist Tyler Shipley on the militarization of the NHL…

Caplan: Solidarity, not charity

Gerry Caplan is a former CUSO field officer, author of The Betrayal of Africa, a weekly, online columnist for The Globe and Mail, and a featured television political commentator. Caplan was the keynote speaker at a dinner held in Winnipeg…

Fox News North attacks

Fox News North – your national, pro-war TV Network By Murray Dobbin, December 5, 2011 You will no doubt recall the controversy surrounding the efforts of Quebec billionaire Pierre Peladeau to get a prized licence for his Sun News TV…

Canadian vets Occupy on Remembrance Day

By Elizabeth Littlejohn,, Nov. 17, 2011   I have seen the best and worst of humanity. I’ve seen countries that no longer exist. I have seen war, ethnic cleansing, and real revolution. I have seen the death and destruction…

Reframing Remembrance Day

By Jason Kunin,, November 11, 2011 As we honour today the men and women who have fought and died in uniform, it is important that our remembrance of them not be taken as an endorsement of war or a…

Canadian Boat to Gaza update

Freedom Wave riders beaten, denied access to family; organizers demand accountability By Canadian Boat to Gaza November 5, 2011 – Freedom Waves to Gaza organizers have not yet had any direct communication with the delegates from the ships Tahrir and…

Arrest George Bush

On Thursday, George W. Bush and former U.S. president Bill Clinton (himself an accomplished war criminal) will be attending the Surrey Regional Economic Summit at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel. Here’s some information from the Canadian Peace Alliance on what…

Occupy Winnipeg for Peace

About 400 Winnipeggers marched from the Manitoba Legislature to the Toronto Dominion building (Portage and Notre Dame) Saturday to add their voices to the international outcry against corporate greed. Peace Alliance Winnipeg was a part of this, as were many…