Category: Canadian News

Canada’s War Industry Profiteers Exposed

by Richard Sanders, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) has just published a 50-page report called “CANSEC: War is Business.” This latest issue of Press for Conversion! magazine, which marks COAT’s 20th… campaigns for a torture inquiry

The news from Ottawa is shocking. Senior intelligence officer Richard Colvin repeatedly warned the government about the routine use of torture in Afghan prisons, yet the Canadian Forces continued to hand over their prisoners to brutal Afghan authorities. Stephen Harper’s…

Malalai Joya packs the house in Winnipeg

Malalai Joya speaking at Convocation Hall, Univeristy of Winnipeg, Nov. 16, 2009. Photo: Glenn Michalchuk Malalai Joya spoke to a pack house of in Winnipeg last night at the University of Winnipeg. Three hundred people jammed into Convocation Hall to…

Support war resister Rodney Watson

Iraq war deserter takes sanctuary in Vancouver church By John Bermingham, Vancouver Province, October 18, 2009 Rodney Watson speaks to the media  in   Vancouver  on October 19, 2009.  He is a U.S. war resister seeking asylum at the First United…

Canada’s complicity in Iraq war

Hostile takeover: Canada’s outsourced war for Iraq’s oil riches By Anthony Fenton, This Magazine, October 2009 issue In March 2008, when the invasion of Iraq by George W. Bush’s “coalition of the willing” marked its fifth anniversary, Canadian media outlets…