Category: Canadian News

Dark side of Canada’s foreign policy exposed

Author critical of government, defence, mining industries, banks By TAMARA LORINCZ, Halifax Chronicle Herald, May 31, 2009 The Canadian government supplied the uranium for the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the Second World War. Ottawa supported South African apartheid…

Demand Peace and Justice in Sri Lanka

April 3, 2009: Protesters in support of Tamil people stage multi-day protest on Parliament Hill. Photograph by: Chris Mikula, Ottawa Citizen. by the Ottawa Peace Assembly, April 16, 2009 The non-stop protest in Ottawa, led by the Tamil community has…

Canada’s Iraq War Profiteers Exposed

United States Air Force spy plane U-2 Dragon Lady, a part of the arsenal deployed in Iraq. It uses Canadian technology developed by Calian Technologies. by Richard Saunders, Coordinator, Coalition to End the Arms Trade The Coalition to Oppose the…