Category: International

Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan

BOOK REVIEW ‘We blew her to pieces’ Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan by Aaron Glantz Reviewed by Dahr Jamail Aside from the Iraqi people, nobody knows what the United States military is doing in Iraq better than the soldiers themselves.…

Afghans protest civilian deaths

Afghans protest against continuous civilian death by International troops Afghans carry the bodies of two children who they say were killed by U.S-led troops in Kabul early September 1, 2008. Hundreds of protesters blocked a road in Kabul on Monday…

Sailing to war with Iran (and beyond)

The first stage of a naval blockade directed against Iran would in all likelihood be initiated by Maritime Security Operations, of which the HMCS Iroquois (above) is a part. It would constitute an act of war, and perhaps the beginning…

Rape in Burma: a weapon of war

by Cheery Zahau The Women’s International Perspective, June 2, 2008 In the devastating aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, international scrutiny highlights the military junta that rules Burma, a Southeast Asian country that shares borders with China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Laos.…

Afghan civilian death toll rises

Coalition air strikes kill 76 Afghan civilians: interior ministry KABUL (AFP) — A US-led coalition military operation in western Afghanistan on Friday killed 76 civilians, including 50 children and 19 women, the Afghan interior ministry said. The coalition confirmed it…