Category: Canadian News

Canada’s ongoing betrayal of Haiti

In this webinar, viewers discuss the film Haiti Betrayed with director, Elaine Brière, and the current Haitian situation with activist Jennie-Laure Sully. The webinar was hosted by Peace Alliance Winnipeg on Nov. 13, 2021. Background In 2004, Canada collaborated with the U.S. and France…

Canada’s Cold War

In its fifth installment of the webinar series Canada in the World, Peace Alliance Winnipeg invited Richard Sanders to discuss Ottawa’s long standing practice of supporting groups that celebrate the extreme right wingers in their histories. Richard founded the Coalition…

Make Peace an Election Issue!

Kudos to the Regina Peace Council for making peace an election issue. To date, 86 countries have signed the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and 55 have formally ratified it. Shamefully, Canada continues to refuse to have…

Canada is my country, a poem

by Tamara Lorincz I live in a country that has increased military spending when Indigenous people live without the most basic security in dilapidated homes with dirty water. I live in a country that is spending $800 million more on…

No New Fighter Jets Campaign Update

by Pitasanna Shanmugathas On behalf of the organizers of the Parliamentary petition calling for no new fighter jets, I would like to thank everyone who signed the petition and spread the word about the petition using their respective social media…

Making Canadian Mining Companies Accountable

Canadian mining companies dominate the sector in many parts of the world. Largely unregulated, they are able to profit from weak protection for the environment, workers, indigenous peoples and human rights in many countries. Two thirds of the value of…