Tag: Afghanistan war

Afghan war is unwinnable

By Gwynne Dyer The Japan Times, Oct. 13, 2008 The main purpose of British generals, it sometimes seems, is to say aloud the things that American generals (and British diplomats) think privately but dare not say in public. Things like:…

The Canadian Election and the War in Afghanistan

by Michael Skinner Conservative Party leader, Stephen Harper, attempted to remove questions about Canada’s role in Afghanistan from debate during the election campaign by announcing the combat role of the Canadian Forces will end, in 2011, if he is re-elected…

Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan

BOOK REVIEW ‘We blew her to pieces’ Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan by Aaron Glantz Reviewed by Dahr Jamail Aside from the Iraqi people, nobody knows what the United States military is doing in Iraq better than the soldiers themselves.…

Canada’s $7 billion war

Canada’s seven billion dollar war: The cost of Canadian forces operations in Afghanistan International Journal, Summer 2008 by David Perry In March 2008, parliament voted to extend Canadian military operations in Afghanistan through 2011. By July of that year, roughly…

Canada’s Afghan Torture Inquiry To Go Ahead

THE AFGHAN MISSION: PRISONER TRANSFER Defiant military watchdog widens inquiry Report calls for hearings into alleged handover of detainees to torturers; top officers could be forced to testify by PAUL KORING Globe and Mail, October 1, 2008 The Harper government’s…