Author: admin

An Open Letter to Barack Obama on Iran

Dear Senator Obama, We the undersigned may have different views on U.S. foreign policy with respect to Iran. We all, however, are deeply concerned about the stories in the press in the past few weeks suggesting that the Bush administration…

Winnipeg prayer vigil for Corey Glass

From the Winnipeg Free Press July 5, 2008 THREE Canadian peace lobby groups are organizing a Winnipeg prayer vigil next week in support of Iraq war resister Corey Glass. He is a U.S. National Guard member who served in Iraq…

Good news for US war resisters in Canada

U.S. deserter wins appeal in battle for refugee status Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service Published: Friday, July 04, 2008 OTTAWA – A Canadian court has sided for the first time with a military deserter who fled to Canada seeking refugee…

Winnipeggers support war resisters

Winnipeg peace activists added their voices, today, to the growing chorus of Canadians who insist that US war resisters be permitted to remain in Canada. Calling on the federal government to honour the Parliamentary vote to grant permanent resident status…

War is not glamorous, Mr. MacKay

Speaking in Brandon last week, Defence Minister Peter MacKay pointed to plans to spend another half billion on the Canadian military and asserted that it is a “good time to be a soldier.” Needless to say, this is not a…

Who’s actually winning in Iraq?

by Patrick Cockburn Counterpunch, June 26, 2008 The American occupation of Iraq follows the same course as that of British rule after the First World War. At first there was imperial over-confidence following military victory and a conviction that what…