Canadian Muslims for Palestine launches educational awareness campaign on Gaza

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On Friday, January 16th, 2009, Canadian Muslims for Palestine asks all people of conscience to assist in distributing hundreds of CMP Information Folders to the larger Canadian community entitled, “The Truth Behind the War in Gaza.” Each CMP Information Folder will contain the following information:

  1. CJPME Factsheet: “Quick Facts on Recent Israeli Violence in Gaza”
  2. “If Americans Knew” Palestine 101/Map: “A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict”
  3. Hand-out: “STAY INFORMED! TO LEARN MORE … “
  4. Postcard to Prime Minister
  5. Canadian Muslims for Palestine Pamphlet

If your university, prayer location and/or city does not have a CMP Liaison, we ask that you engage in your own campaign. In various cities across Canada, we will be putting together thousands of folders in the coming days and we encourage you to do the same. Folders will be distributed to university students, activist organizations/cafes, bookstores and be available at Friday Prayer Locations for you to attain copies for your co-workers and/or colleagues. The material for the campaign can be located on our website:

CMP NOTE: Folders will be formulated on Thursday evening in cities across Canada. Please e-mail us to assist in making the folders and/or distributing them:

Please Donate to CMP

In order for CMP to continue our projects, such as our “CMP Educational Awareness Campaign” we ask that you donate generously to the organization. At this moment and time, humanitarian aid is not reaching Gaza at the speed that is required. CMP asks that you continue to donate money to professional lobby, educational and advocacy groups here in Canada in order to change the status quo in our own country for us to at least have a formidable voice for the crisis in Palestine. Please see contact us directly at Without your financial support we will not be able to continue our humble efforts to make a permanent change.

CMP Delegation to University Professors, Campus Student Groups and MPs

Commencing next week, CMP Liaisons across Canada will be putting together formal CMP Information Folders, with a DVD and literature, for university professors, student-groups and MPs. We are looking for people of all walks of life — women, students, professionals and Palestinians — to step forward and join together to form a delegation in order to approach our MPs. In addition, we hope that students on campus will approach their university professors and student-groups. Detailed information will follow on this project in the following week, God-willing. Please contact us at with your name and city to participate.

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