The Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties presents A lunch hour panel discussion on current issues surrounding racism Speakers: Slone Phan (Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council), Sacha Paul (the lawyer who represented Amnesty International at the Supreme Court on the Omar…
24 search results for "omar khadr"
Peace Alliance Winnipeg: “a busy, productive year”
Peace Alliance Winnipeg Chairperson Glenn Michalchuk says it’s been a busy, productive year for PAW. Reporting to PAW’s annual meeting, Nov. 16, Michalchuk highlighted an increased organizational capacity and profile that he attributed to a revamped email newsletter and a…
Majority of Canadians support US war resisters
Canadians prefer tangible foreign aid to value spreading: Poll by Norma Greenaway, Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 OTTAWA – Canadians say providing bridges, roads and other forms of concrete foreign assistance is more important than spreading such Canadian…
Canada, Guantanamo and Yankee Poodles
Stephen Harper, Bush’s Last Yes Man? by Robert Fantina Counterpunch, July 12/13, 2008 During the administration of Tony Blair as Prime Minister of Britain, he was sometimes referred to as the ‘Yankee Poodle,’ due to the constant and humiliating spectacle…