Category: Opinions and Debates

Canada, Guantanamo and Yankee Poodles

Stephen Harper, Bush’s Last Yes Man? by Robert Fantina Counterpunch, July 12/13, 2008 During the administration of Tony Blair as Prime Minister of Britain, he was sometimes referred to as the ‘Yankee Poodle,’ due to the constant and humiliating spectacle…

Iran: US prepares for War

Preparing the Battlefield The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran. by Seymour M. Hersh The New Yorker July 7, 2008 Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of…

US/Israeli Attack on Iran Looms

New War Brewing U.S., Israel take dangerous steps by Eric Margolis Edmonton Sun, July 6, 2006 GENEVA — The U.S., Israel and Iran are playing a very dangerous game of chicken that soon could result in a new Mideast war.…

War is not glamorous, Mr. MacKay

Speaking in Brandon last week, Defence Minister Peter MacKay pointed to plans to spend another half billion on the Canadian military and asserted that it is a “good time to be a soldier.” Needless to say, this is not a…

Who’s actually winning in Iraq?

by Patrick Cockburn Counterpunch, June 26, 2008 The American occupation of Iraq follows the same course as that of British rule after the First World War. At first there was imperial over-confidence following military victory and a conviction that what…