Category: Campaigns

Support war resister Rodney Watson

Iraq war deserter takes sanctuary in Vancouver church By John Bermingham, Vancouver Province, October 18, 2009 Rodney Watson speaks to the media  in   Vancouver  on October 19, 2009.  He is a U.S. war resister seeking asylum at the First United…

World March for Peace & Nonviolence

The World March for Peace & Nonviolence is the concerted effort of more than 1 million people in over 90 countries who yearn for peace and who are calling out for: the eradication of nuclear arms the withdrawal of all…

Petition for Nuclear Arms Reduction

A message from AVAAZ.ORG: Dear friends, The only real solution to the proliferation crisis is the elimination of all nuclear weapons worldwide. Sign the petition calling for global zero and bring a powerful democratic voice to the US-Russia summit next…

Tamil solidarity vigil in Winnipeg

Photo: Glenn Michalchuk In response to the reported slaughter of 25,000 Tamil civilians last week, members of Winnipeg’s Tamil community held a candle light vigil at the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg on May 17, 2009. At the vigil, they…

Vigil for Tamil civilians

There will be a candlelight vigil in support of Tamil civilians caught in the cross-fire of Sri Lanka’s civil war. While the government of Sri Lanka has declared a military victory, the fighting continues and civilian casualties, numbering many thousand,…