Category: Manitoba

Winnipeggers rally for Egyptian democracy

About 300 Winnipeggers rallied Saturday afternoon at the Manitoba Legislature, chanting “Free Egypt Now” and “Step Down Mubarak.” In addition to Winnipeg, Canadians rallied in Edmonton, Kingston, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver and Windsor. Here is video of the Winnipeg event.

Medical Care Appeal for Joshua Key

By Cheryl-Anne Carr, Keep Resisters in Canada Campaign I am writing to ask for a one-time contribution for the urgent medical needs of Joshua Key, a veteran of the Iraq war seeking refugee status in Canada. He lives in Saskatchewan…

War resister supporters picket Vic Toews’ office

Supporters of the struggle of American war resisters in Canada picketed the Steinbach office of Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews yesterday and delivered a letter requesting an emergency meeting with Toews and other Conservative Members of Parliament.The contingent consisted…

Dear Minister Melnick

Today Peace Alliance Winnipeg sent a letter to Christine Melnick, Manitoba’s Minister of Water Stewardship, expressing concern over remarks attributed to her in the Winnipeg Jewish Review that indicated it was unacceptable for the Brandon NDP Women’s Association to endorse…

George Galloway packs the house in Winnipeg

By Paul S. Graham More than 400 people greeted peace and human rights activist George Galloway on Friday evening at Broadway Disciples United Church in Winnipeg. Glenn Michalchuk, chair of Peace Alliance Winnipeg, which organized the event, presented Galloway with a gift:…

Manitoba’s connection to Israeli Apartheid

Oct. 14, 2010: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet performed inTel Aviv. RWB Dancers, RWB Senior Ballet Master Johnny Chang, Minister David Chomiak, Minister Christine Melnick & Premier Greg Selinger backstage during intermission on opening night. Photo: Tim Fennel, RWB By Yves Engler…