Category: International

“Neither Washington nor Beijing!”

While it is clear that the relationship between the US and China will come to define the geopolitical terrain for decades to come, many among the Western left are unsure about what their own positions and responsibilities should be. As…

Making Canadian Mining Companies Accountable

Canadian mining companies dominate the sector in many parts of the world. Largely unregulated, they are able to profit from weak protection for the environment, workers, indigenous peoples and human rights in many countries. Two thirds of the value of…

The Curious Case of Alexei Navalny

by John Ryan The mainstream media considers Alexei Navalny to be Vladimir Putin’s main opponent. However, a “Levada Center poll from November 2020 — three months after Navalny’s poisoning — found that only 2% of Russians would vote for Navalny…

Just say “No!” to NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has embarked on a dangerous plan to expand its reach and military strength by the year 2030. Not only does this increase the risk of world war, it promises to rob even more of the…